Hello Folks!
Long run tomorrow, 9:00 a.m. at the West End Y.
I’m doing this from a phone at the moment, but I’ll get you a route map later. Here’s a description for those of us with good spatial sense and the ability to make maps in their head:
North on dovercourt.
East on davenport.
North through wychwood park, staying on the right and turning right as you leave back onto wychwood.
East on alcina (first right).
North on Bathurst.
East on Heath.
North on Yonge.
East into Mount Pleasant Cemetary.
Follow the North Road under mount pleasant to the east side and loop around to your heart’s content until you’re ready to trace your steps back to the Y.
First 3km is slow and social. 6:00/km pace is good. Great pace last week for this. However, just don’t rush the traffic lights as those behind you may not make it and might get cut off.