Grey Cup Sunday Long Run
As promised last week, the long run will have a Grey Cup theme. Tomorrow, we run the belt line, which should be okay traction wise due to its rough surface despite a dusting of snow… Read More »Grey Cup Sunday Long Run
As promised last week, the long run will have a Grey Cup theme. Tomorrow, we run the belt line, which should be okay traction wise due to its rough surface despite a dusting of snow… Read More »Grey Cup Sunday Long Run
Hello Canadian football fans (….and other Canadians…and those of other nationalities), Toronto hosts the hated and repugnant Tiger-Cats this Sunday in the CFL East final and to honour my beloved Argos who I hope will… Read More »Argonaut Long Run
So, I was told that the routes have been well liked recently. That’s probably why it has taken me a little longer to a route to meet everybody’s high expectations. You get a great hill… Read More »Sunday Long Run-Forest Hill
The Ontario Masters’ Cross-Country Championships are on Sunday, November 17 in the London area. Please contact me at if you are interested. The club will pay as per usual. Steve
This is the time of the year to explore new things. This week’s route takes use through three very interesting neighbourhoods, the transforming Junction Triangle, so named as it is a triangular neighbourhood bounded by… Read More »Sunday Long (Exploration) Run